Volume 6 of our
Cemetery Book
85 Cemeteries (family, public, private, black). Indexed by full names.
Table of Contents
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Cost - $22.00 +Shipping

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Marriages Registers Granville County, North Carolina 1866-1894
available in Hard Cover and Paperback - by GCGS
Extracted marriage records of Granville County, North Carolina 1866 through 1894. Section one, 1866-1867, is Cohabitation marriage records of freed slaves immediately after the Civil War. Section two is marriages from certificates filed in 1869 through 1894 in the Register of Deeds Office in Oxford, North Carolina. Book includes an Index of all names of Grooms and Brides.
Fully name indexed.
436 pages.
Unlimited quantities available! |
Hard Cover
Cost - $37.00 +Shipping
Cost - $27.00 +Shipping

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Keeping up with the Joneses
available in Paperback - by Shirley Jones Mallard
A book about the Rafe Jones Family of Granville County, North Carolina. This book is about the family of Ralph and Eunice Jones of Granville County NC. It includes information about their ancestors and about their descendants. Surnames include Jones, Roberts, McFarland, Washington, Norris, Suit, Wheeler, Eastwood, Green and Forsythe.
Fully name indexed.
246 pages.
Unlimited quantities available! |
Cost - $19.00 +Shipping

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Jeremiah and William Frazer -
The Frazers of Granville County, NC
available in Hard Cover and Paperback - by Phil Jones
Jeremiah and William Frazer lived nearly 300 years ago, in the beginnings of Granville County. They are the progenitors of Frazier families in Granville County
and vicinity, as well as many similarly named families around the country. Much of the information on Jeremiah and William themselves has been verified by reference to primary sources.
Fully name indexed.
254 pages.
Index to the names
Unlimited quantities available! |
Hard Cover
Cost - $25.00 +Shipping
Cost - $16.00 +Shipping

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Bible Records of Old Granville County
Volume 1; available in Hard Cover and Paperback
Bible Records of Old Granville County North Carolina. Names, birth and death dates, marriage dates, within old family bibles. You will not find this information elsewhere.
Fully name indexed.
142 pages. 78 different bibles.
Index to the names
Unlimited quantities available! |
Hard Cover
Cost - $32.00 +Shipping
Cost - $23.00 +Shipping

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Volume 5 of our
Cemetery Book
129+ Cemeteries (family, public, private, black). Indexed by full names.
Table of Contents
Unlimited quantities available! |
Cost - $21.00 +Shipping

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Volume 4 of our
Cemetery Book
2 Cemeteries (Elmwood and Old Oxford). Over 4500 burials listed and fully indexed.
The book has a special section of pictures and genealogical information that is inscribed on slabs
located in Elmwood. It also includes the Laws and Statutes pertaining to cemeteries in the state
and deeds to the Elmwood Cemetery as additional information.
Table of Contents
Unlimited quantities available. |
Cost - $21.00 +Shipping

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Volume 3 of our
Cemetery Book
81 Cemeteries (family, public, private). Indexed by full names.
Table of Contents
Unlimited quantities available. |
Cost - $21.00 +Shipping

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Volume 2 of our
Cemetery Book
81 Cemeteries (family, public, private). Indexed by full names.
Table of Contents
Unlimited quantities available.. |
Cost - $21.00 +Shipping

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Volume 1 of our
Cemetery Book
72 Cemeteries (family, public, private). Indexed by surnames.
Table of Contents
Unlimited quantities available. |
Cost - $21.00 +Shipping

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Hobgood Family of Granville County, N.C. Before 1850 - Volume 1
Hobgood Family of Granville County NC Before 1850 - Volume 1
Unlimited quantities available. |
Cost - $23.00 +Shipping

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Hobgood Family of Granville County, N.C. Before 1850 - Volume 2
Hobgood Family of Granville County NC Before 1850 - Volume 2
Unlimited quantities available. |
Cost - $26.00 +Shipping

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Granville County
Leonard Dean
The Granville County North Carolina Gazetteer is a dictionary of current and historical places in and around the old Tarheel community of Granville County. The book defines from A to Z streams, communities, homesteads, churches, roads, and many other locations of today and of yesteryear. Granville County was a pioneer county formed along the Virginia border in 1746 and initially was unbounded to the west. Over time the county has given-up significant land areas to other counties in the state. The gazetteer is particularly helpful to genealogist and local history buffs trying to grasp the geography of the area. It views places and events from the perspective of a native of the region. For several years an early edition of this book has been in use at the Granville County Library; it has been a frequent and well used resource. |
Cost - $30.00 +Shipping

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Courthouses and Courts of Early Granville County,
North Carolina
Leonard Dean
In 1746, Granville County was created in colonial North Carolina as a frontier county to extend the English way of life to new settlers. This book is a local history of the formation and the formative years of Granville County. The book focuses on the initial courthouses, courts, founding fathers, and its struggles during the early times. This history of the county's first 18 years is told in 235 pages of words, pictures, drawings, documents, charts and index. |
Cost - $14.00 +Shipping

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Historical Business Directory of Oxford NC
by Richard L. Taylor, MD
This book was created in an effort to describe the development and history of the business district of Oxford, N.C., covering the years 1812 - 2017. It was felt that it would be helpful to have this information in one central location as, at present, most of the information is available but scattered over many sources, sometimes hard to access. Many sources were used to document this work, including conversations with older residents. Time lines for each business in the district are discussed and in some instances historical notes explaining further details of events are included. |
Cost - $23.00 +Shipping

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Richard Taylor Store at Lulu.com
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